Monday, December 5, 2011

Mademoiselle Lapin

I found this adorable little French bunny pattern on etsy a few weeks ago and couldn't wait to make it for my daughter. 

Let me start by saying that I haven't touched my sewing machine for several years...not since my days as a fashion design student at FIT completely killed any desire I ever had to sew things. 

I'm sure it took me much longer then it would for someone who sews more often, but it was a surprisingly easy and fun project.  So much fun, in fact, that I ended up sewing for the entire weekend.  My daughter's response to Mlle Lapin (we named her Brie) "Oh, a bunny!  Just what I needed".  And with a hug and a swoop, she carried her off to bed.

I'm ready to sew more stuff, thanks so much to the very talented Erika at Miko Design.

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